I use a broadly humanistic approach developed principally from Gestalt and Body Process Psychotherapy, Neuro-linguistic programming NLP and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). More recently I have begun to offer Hypnotherapy and Sound Therapy to my practice.
Gestalt Therapy is an experiential therapy and centres on the individual’s experience in the here and now, the relationship between the therapist and client, the circumstances in which these things take place, and the adjustments people make as a result of the situation. Gestalt Therapy is holistic and emphasises personal responsibility.
Body Process Psychotherapy is based on the work of Reich, Pierrakos, Dychwald and Lowen among others. It works on the principle that our experiences are captured in the character of our bodies as we go through our lives. In becoming aware of these character structures a person can begin to release trapped energies and harness those energies for use in more productive ways such as creativity and self development.
NLP is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy which works to change the connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioural patterns learned through experience (programming) to achieve specific goals in life.
CBT is a structured approach which aims to get to the bottom of problems relating to dysfunctional emotions, behaviours and thoughts. This is achieved through the exploration of negative thoughts with a client followed by more goal-oriented sessions in which clients are taught techniques which they can then apply to everyday life.